What are the dangers of the creation of artificial intelligence or models like David?
Jealousy is a big problem as well as other human emotions that can interfere with the decisions we make. A lot of moral questions are raised when discussing the development of artificial intelligence in terms of how they are programmed to know right from wrong.
There are some specific dangers to do with immortality and robots taking over. People loosing their jobs and, what happens if someone hacks into the control system of all the robots. There could be all sorts of insane chaos.
What are some of the positives of having artificial intelligence?
Some people might be able to use it in terms of filling a void. Using technology to have something again that you previously have lost; a child?
Artificial intelligence will defiantly help us to discover cures for diseases therefore creating immortality. This also can't always be a positive.
Steven Spielberg created a dark look a this subject, how could he have changed the film to be more positive?
I think Spielberg was really trying to put forward the negatives and play on those to, in a way, scare people from letting technology take over. I think in this movie, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong and I'd say that this was exactly what Spielberg was trying to put out there. Raising the question because what if everything did go wrong? What if someone used technology to take over the world, to kill people; or control them? People like HITLER!
He could have made the movie more positive by maybe showing how we can help the situation if the world became like that... how would we prevent disaster?
Can we trust computers as much as humans?
Sometimes i don't think we really can trust either. Humans have a level of emotion that can become unstable under certain circumstances. Things like jealousy, anger, frustration, attention... these can all lead to huge problems.
Robots on the other hand will only know what they have been programmed to. This then brings up huge moral questions. They will know what they have been programmed to think is right and wrong but in certain situations it's human nature and morals that help you make the "right" decision.
How far do you think technology can go before we need to put our foot down?
I think when this does happen there will be huge disputes because everyone wants different things. People that are power crazy are going to want to take control of peoples minds. People that are selfish are definitely going to want immortality and people for the land are going to be against it all... there are too many different possibilities to consider, but personally, i think once these robots start making decisions for us and interrupting daily life significantly, it's time to stop... and think.
Are we already "Transhumanist" in that we have technology extensions off our bodies?
I think we have begun the process but are not quite there yet.People are using technology to help cheat death and wheelchairs by using robotic limbs and body parts. I don't think this is taking it too far yet but when these extensions start to control our minds... then we could be in trouble.
What are some extension that you think may be more common in the future?
To be honest, nothing would surprise me but i think people will be using these extensions for their own advantage in all sorts of areas. People will be using robotic legs so that they can run faster, people will have robotic eyes so they can see through walls and have all sorts of "powers". People will be able to create and have whatever they want... it wont be about your human ability anymore, it will be about what you have on you enhancing your human ability!
Do you see this as a positive for human kind?
I think this is really too hard to answer... there are so many "buts" and exceptions that i think things will defiantly get out of hand... Positively and Negatively.
Fantastic Christie you have really started to think about the moral questions that we will be faced with as technology becomes more and more invasive in in our lives. When creating your world consider what aspects of technology would be positive in our lives and which ones will ultimately be problematic and try to find the happy balance as i know you will :)