Deviant Art is a virtual website where you have an Avatar of yourself. You have a "Blog" and you post up all your artwork. People can look at it and comment on it. It's a place where people can be who they want to be through their imagination; what they put to paper. It's a place to free your imagination and let others see things the way you do. You are essentially what your art says about you. The virtual society Deviant Art is really interesting to be involved. You see the ways different people portray certain things. You can also receive comments about your art to get to know people that may see things quite similarly to you. It really is a great way to open your mind to exciting, new and bizarre creatures or environments that other people create. This website links in with our topic this term very well because its all about the visual representation of yourself. The things behind the exterior, beliefs, values, passions. It's your mind in colour and shape and form. It's about how you feel and how you would portray yourself.
its a great place to share ideas and meet like minded people...good choice